CS371P Spring 2020: Matthew Bianchi

My name is Matthew Bianchi, and I am a third year computer science student at the University of Texas at Austin. I grew up in Austin my whole life, and ever since I was young, I was interested in UT. My dad graduated from UT, so it has been an important part of my life, and I was excited to experience the university firsthand out of high school. In addition to the family experience, I also chose UT because it was a great Computer Science school with a wide variety of extracurricular activities to get involved in, including sports, clubs, and other student organizations. So far, I have enjoyed being a part of the UT Computer Science department, and in my free time play Ultimate Frisbee as a part of the club team here at the university.
Coming into this class, I hope to be able to learn more about Object Oriented programming, and in particular, how C++ can implement these concepts. I am fairly experienced with C and Java, having used both extensively in classes before this one. However, I do not have as much experience with C++, and I am looking forward to gaining that experience in this class. Overall, I am excited for the semester ahead, and look forward to the opportunities to come in this class and this semester as a whole.