CS373 Spring 2021: Matthew Bianchi
Week 3

What did you do this past week?
This week, much of my time was spent on other classes. In my Game Development Capstone course, we created a game jam-esque prototype of our game, which took a good amount of time. I have started to work on the Collatz project, but have not gotten as far as I would like.
What’s in your way?
The main thing in my way is the lack of time. My other classes also have a good amount of work, which makes it difficult for me to manage my time for my classes. I will be able to finish up my projects, but it will be a little more difficult than I would like.
What will you do next week?
This week, I will be working on finishing the Collatz project, in addition to completing projects for my other classes. I have a lot of work to do, so I will have to manage my time well in order to get everything done.
If you read it, what did you think of the Continuous Integration?
I felt the article brought up several great points, including the importance of integrating constantly. I have used CI in the past in classes and at internships, so I see how useful it is for software development.
What was your experience of Collatz?
I have taken Object-Oriented Programming, which had the same project but in C++, so I have a good amount of experience with the Collatz conjecture. I think the problem in general is quite interesting and is a good way to show several of the important things we have discussed so far in the class.
What was your experience of exceptions?
I have used expectations extensively in my internship and previous classes, and find them to be extremely useful tools to help manage specific situations and expectations in code. I think they are a very important thing to use, and they are very useful for unit tests as well.
What made you happy this week?
This week was Super Bowl weekend, and I am excited to watch the game. I feel like the game will be competitive, and I expect The Weeknd’s halftime show to be very good.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Plan out your time for all of your classes. It helps me to write down a plan for times to work on different projects, and it helps me to stay on top of my work. If you have a lot of work, try writing down a schedule for yourself to help see how you will get your work done.