CS373 Spring 2021 — Matthew Bianchi
Week 14

What did you do this past week?
This week, my group worked on our visualizations and presentation. We are about to record our presentation soon after I finish writing this, and we present in class on Monday. In other classes, I have been extremely busy preparing other presentations for the end of the semester, so my weeks have been quite busy.
What’s in your way?
The final week of my college career may be one of the busiest to date. That’s probably not true but that’s how it feels. I have presentations in three of my classes, including this one, which will take up a lot of my time. I also have one final exam this Friday that I need to study for, so my time will be precious this week.
What will you do next week?
This coming week, most of the work I have to do is polish work. Our group will have finished our presentation, so we will simply be polishing our repository and making sure it is good to turn in. I will be also working on several other projects over the course of this week as my college career winds to a close.
If you read it, what did you think of the The Joel Test?
All of the things in The Joel Test are things that benefit companies and programmers, and some of them are things that companies I have worked at do. They are very beneficial to producing good code, and many of them are widely adopted. Some of them should probably be more prevalent, but in general the good software companies tend to abide by these rules.
What was your experience of Replace Type Code with State/Strategy (227)?
I felt like the exercises in class were pretty interesting, and showed a new way to think about moving and refactoring code. It showed the importance of keeping code modular as we moved it around different places in the code base, and showed how being smart with where we put code can help to make code more readable.
What made you happy this week?
This weekend, I moved into my own apartment and have started getting settled in, so that was exciting. I managed to get everything set up well, so hopefully all goes well moving forward.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Celebrate things you’ve accomplished. With the semester coming to an end, take time to look back and celebrate all of the things you’ve done, both in and out of class. Even with Covid-19, this was still a great year, so look back and enjoy everything you did.